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Capital Manor

Supervised Practice Time: 240 hours



Capital Manor is a Continuing Care Retirement Community which enables residents to live fully independent lives in a group community and eases some of the responsibilities of living to enable them to liver more fulfilling lives. Capital Manor also offers Manor Care, an Assisted Living Facility (ALF) residence for those who require more assistance with their Activities of Daily Living (ADL). Most of my time at this rotation was spent working in foodservice, however, I also conducted 5 weekly nutrition assessments on residents in Manor Care. 

Some of the assignments I completed at this rotation include: 

  • Developed a Newsletter on healthy eating for the holidays for the Capital Manor residents in lay terms that incorporates evidence based and scientific research. Surveys were attached to the article for the residents to fill out and return to me, to improve my writing skills. 

  • Conducted a Brief Case Study: An ADIME formatted case study on Mr. EH, a 77-year old gentleman who had testicular cancer who was briefly admitted to Manor Care 1 because he required a higher level of assistance, and was discharged back to his residence on palliative care. One week after I met with Mr. EH, he passed away, which taught me how to handle death in a professional manner. 

  • Developed a proposal for a new "green" dining area at Capital Manor: For this project, I had to research business plan development and dining trends in for the next generation of residents and summarize. I also had to develop a business plan for a new dining option and develop a proposal for implementation, including specs, start-up costs, staffing/hours of operation, menu, furniture and time to break even, then package the proposal as though I would be presenting it to the CEO of Capital Manor. I also had to incorporate green technology into the plans and the responsible use of resources such as employees, money, time, water, energy, food and disposable goods. 

  • Developed and presented a  general nutrition PowerPoint presentation: I developed and presented a presentation entitled "Fat Facts: What They Are, Where They Are and How To Incorporate Them Into YOUR Diet!" to approximately 50 people. I also developed a handout and provided food samples. This presentation was filmed and can be viewed via the link. 

  • Created a Theme Meal and introduced a new recipe: I planned, developed and implemented a theme meal entitled "A Tribute to the Rat Pack" for ~300 independent and RCF residents. I conducted and implemented the planning, ordering, staffing, production and clean-up for the event as well as developed a new recipe (the Dessert Martini) which was evaluated by staff and residents. Images of the event are included in the slide show above.  

  • Conducted a Quality Management Study: I conducted a 3 day survey in Manor Care on the holding temperatures of the food, summarized the results and reported them to the Quality Assurance committee.  

  • Developed a wellness program for employees: I developed a wellness project for Capital Manor employees that linked nutrition, wellness and fitness together and presented it to the Wellness Coordinator at Capital Manor. 


Watch the Presentation
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