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Oregon Dairy Council

My rotation at the Oregon Dairy Council far exceeded my expectations for the rotation. Not only was I able to attend state meetings, develop curriculum, write for the School Wellness Newsletter, and evaluate grants, I gave a presentation on body image to the prestigious National Charity League (Find out more here), but I also visited and helped schools develop their Fuel Up to Play 60 programs and help create and update the Oregon Dairy Council Facebook page! It was a busy two weeks, but highly enjoyable and I gained a new set of skills and deep appreciation for community dietitians.

Some of the projects I completed at this rotation include: 

  • Presented to the National Charity League: "Love Yourself, Love Your Body, Treat Your Body Well!". This was a 45-minute presentation given to a group of 15 young women between the ages of 12 and 15 and their mothers on the importance of healthy nutrition and it's impact on their bodies. I began this presentation with an activity, which stimulated conversation and I was able to weave their comments into my presentation to enhance the importance of key messages. 

  • Conducted a Professional Enrichment Project: I conducted 3 literature reviews on recently published articles in various family and nutrition journals and presented the information to the dietitians and various other staff members. 

  • Worked with the Fuel Up to Play 60 Program: I reviewed schools applications to receive grant money to start up the Fuel Up to Play 60 (FUTP60) program at their schools. I also visited several schools to see how they implemented their programs as well as aid other schools brainstorm new ideas for their own programs. One elementary school that received the grant money opted to purchase two televisions and placed them in the cafeteria to display running slide shows encouraging nutrition and exercise. They asked me to develop the presentations on fruit and vegetables. The links below open up the presentations in PDF format and the animations do not transfer. If you are interested in seeing the animated versions, please contact me. 
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