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sa‧pé‧re. verb. 1) To taste. 2) To come to know
YVFWC provides medical care, dental care, behavioral health care and counseling, pharmacy services, community health services and nutritional services to migrant and seasonal farm workers in the states of Washington and Oregon. Located within the same building, is WIC which provides nutritious food, nutrition education and referrals to various other medical providers to pregnant, breastfeeding, post-partum women and families with children under the age of 5.
Some of the assignments I completed at WIC include:
- Conducted an inservice entitled "Yogurt 101": The WIC staff requested a presentation on yogurt and how inform clients how to select the optimal yogurt for their children. I also developed the client handout in Spanish.
- Conducted a "Choose MyPlate" Inservice: Developed a 45 minute in-service for Registered Dietitians, WIC Certifiers, Registered Nurses and Certified Nursing Assistants on the history of the USDA health guidelines leading up to the MyPlate and the MyPlate guidelines and it's implications for the Hispanic and Russian population we worked with.
- Created a Bulletin Board: Developed a bulletin board on the different types of milk produced by a woman and the benefits. In Spanish and English. Click on the image to enlarge.
- Developed a Be Active, Be Healthy Class: This class is targeted to families with children between the ages of 3 to 5 who are overwight to promote healthy lifestyle behaviors. I developed a 30 minute class based on the MyPlate guidelines which featured a brief lecture period and an activity to promote active learning. Materials in Spanish and English.
Yakima Valley Farm Workers Clinic (YVFWC) &
Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
Bulletin Board
Supervised Practice Time: 152 hours
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